Here are the links to two very urgent petitions! If we all pitch in & add our names, then we all collectively demand justice!
1.) Justice for George Floyd✊🏾: Sign the Petition here.
-Please sign and share to help get justice for George Floyd and to prevent more cases of police brutality. Support and Follow us on Instagram: @justiceforgeorge and Twitter: @gfmfoundation, and Facebook: The George Floyd Memorial Foundation for case updates.
-To further contribute to the work, please consider donating to the cause & foundation today:
2.) Justice for Patrick Warren Sr.: Sign the Petition here.
-DONATE to the Warren Family's GoFundMe Here →
→ Demand Killeen PD and AG Garza Fire and Arrest Officer Contreras
→ Demand Biden/Harris Increase Federal Funding for Mental Health Resources So Police Officers Aren’t Sent on Mental Health Checks
→ Demand Attorney General Paxton investigate Killeen PD and other Texas departments concerning policy, training, and practices for mental health calls
Click to Support & Follow on IG: @PATRICKWARRENSR