Is there a shortage of Black lesbian scholarly representation in this country or is it just me?
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Scholarship for far too long has belonged to the most privileged in this country. This is certainly not due to the lack of willing participants. Black lesbian women who often experience and are likely to overcome arduous life circumstances, often find that we do not see viable reflections of
ourselves in higher education. This is a broad statement and is not intended to be monolithic. So, I’ll speak for myself. To this day, I have never had a Black lesbian teacher, or even an openly queer teacher to say the least. Why is that? And again, I ask, is there a shortage of Black lesbian scholarly representation in America?
I don’t know and that is not what this article is about. I was asked to share with you a response to this question: What does scholarship mean to me?
It means I have an opportunity that was not easily afforded to my mother, father, or grandmother. As a first-generation college student, I am proud of the accomplishments of the aforementioned family members, but, although they, too, are Black, they are not queer or trans. I have had unique experiences that even those closest to me can not relate to. When you see me
though, I want you to see the reflection of the resilient Black women who raised me to be resilient. I did not follow the paths that they had set for me, I am sure, and I have always been a bit rebellious, so I didn’t make it easy for them to raise me either. (Insert Leo zodiac sign with Middle Child Syndrome here.) However, by learning as much as I can and aspiring to go as far
as I can in my academic and professional career, I know that I make all of their sacrifices more than worth it.
Apply!! All applications are due on May 5, 2024, by 11:59pm Eastern; no late applications will be accepted. Applicants or potential applicants may email questions to

Beyond that, scholarship, for me, is competition. And I slay all day. I go towards each assignment with the knowledge that I can do all things through the divine power that is within me. I am not overwhelmed by assignments and for me, no topic is impossible for me to learn,
because someone before me has learned it. If they could, why can’t I? (It’s giving rebellious.) I compete against myself for a higher grade, a better standing, or a project completed before the due date. To me, this does not mean that I am better than any other student or person, it just means that I can be proud of myself for accomplishing and/or crushing my goal. I am no more or less worthy of the things I desire because of a grade or an accolade, I am merely assuredly doing my best.
Most importantly, though, scholarship is representation. I cannot count the number of times in my lifetime that I have searched Beyonce’s internet for Black lesbian scholars, politicians, and architects. Why? Because I had never met a person with a similar identity who shared similar interests. One day as I was searching for... long story short, I met my life partner of 12 years online. She is an acclaimed fine artist. I hope that past and future Black lesbians of North Carolina, from the coast to the mountains and beyond, will one day search and find reflections of themselves as young, vibrant, capable, and proud. Maybe they’ll be as lucky as I was to research people and find love.
Now, this Champion of Pride Scholarship from Charlotte Pride comes with a cute coin, but I believe I was selected because of my commitment to advocacy, showing up authentically, and loving unapologetically. However, what I will remember most about being a CLT Pride Scholarship recipient, long after the funds are attributed to educational expenses, are the faces
of the young LGBTQ+ students in the crowd at the parade. Many of us locked eyes, cheered together and saw each other. If only for a moment, our backgrounds, sexuality, gender identities, and skin colors, became irrelevant. If only for a moment, we saw the future in each other's eyes. I thought to myself, “This is what solidarity looks like.” We were all LGBTQ+ scholars with our futures possible and I am sure that more than a few Black lesbians saw me and said to themselves, “Yeah, I can be that girl.”
In conclusion, I was also asked to define scholarship. So, I’ll write a poem for that.
Define Scholarship
1: a grant-in-aid to a student (as by a college or foundation)
It means Financial Aid, FAFSA, or something about taxes
But, I know you get a refund
And you get to spend it how you want
It means necessities
Dignity, integrity, and the freedom to focus
on school
Grant means you don’t have to pay it back
Unless life for you is inequitable
And circumstances you never expected to arise
Like trying to decide if you gonna eat, or starve, or study
2: the character, qualities, activity, or attainments of a scholar : LEARNING
It means you know better
Know more and grow
Active on your campus and in your community
Organizing all the while
It means you teach something
To someone else
Watering seeds like biology
That you take each accolade
And dedicate it to your ancestors
Honesty and devotion
When the world sleeps
You write an article and a poem
Read a chapter and prepare for the assignments due
By midnight
Savoring each sip of café
As if excellence was served
con leche y azúcar
Know what you know
And can’t nobody take it from you
Degrees of all you are
But your soul and your spirit free
Make it count
3: a fund of knowledge and learning
Ain’t alone
Not the only one
For your sister
For your grandmother
For your queer and trans siblings
For you
By you
But support
A community
A safe space
An equitable space
A place where they want to hear you
Where your words are currency
And your thoughts be gold
And your love for people be studied by people who study people
And that’s knowledge and learning
And that’s scholarship
To define scholarship
One must first forget everything one has known
Taught by a system that dares you to exist
And thrive in the face of naysayers
And seek resources and refuge among allies
One must study the ways of the world and the histories of those who came before
And most importantly know thyself
Dream as if the alarm will sound soon
For an 8 o’clock on-campus class
Where the teacher reads slowly from the PowerPoint
But I suggest you take your classes online
Or however you so chose
The only way to truly define scholarship is with you
How do you define scholarship?
Apply!! All applications are due on May 5, 2024, by 11:59pm Eastern; no late applications will be accepted. Applicants or potential applicants may email questions to